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"Miss Rouble Nagi: The Creative Force Behind Misaal Mumbai and Beyond"

Miss Rouble Nagi is a true embodiment of creativity, philanthropy, and literary brilliance. Her artistic talents span various mediums, bringing joy and inspiration to all who encounter her work. But it's her unwavering commitment to making a difference in the lives of marginalized communities that truly sets her apart. Through her NGO and the "Misaal Mumbai" initiative, she has transformed over 155,000 slum homes, enhancing both their aesthetics and hygiene. With a background in political science and further education from London's Slade School of Fine Art and Sotheby's, Miss Nagi's dedication to excellence shines through in all she does. Her recent literary venture adds yet another layer to her impactful contributions, solidifying her status as a beacon of positivity through art and community engagement.

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